Learning Disability Support
“We support people who have a wide range of learning disabilities to live the life they choose and achieve their goals and ambitions.”
The term ‘learning disabilities’ covers a wide spectrum. People whose learning disability is mild learn to speak, read and write, while people whose learning disability is more severe may need higher levels of support to communicate.
A learning disability usually develops before or at birth and cannot be cured. Skilled teaching and the right level of support enables people to achieve their full potential, building confidence and independence.
Loving Angels Care supports people to have high aspirations, engage with their communities, find paid employment and live their own lives.
We support people with a range of learning disabilities including Prader-Willi, Downs Syndrome, and some of the rarer forms of disability such as Angelman syndrome. We are increasingly providing personalised support for people with complex, profound and multiple needs.
We always base our support on the specific needs, choices and ambitions of the individual, following our principles of person-centred thinking, Active Support and Positive Behaviour Support.
Our support ranges from domiciliary support for people living in their own home through to group or supported living, or residential care